The Real Price of a Hollywood Smile

08 April 2018


What are the some of the first things someone notices about you when you first meet?

It can be anything from your scent, hygiene, outfit and possibly some physical attributes. To many people, the first thing they notice about you is your smile. The condition of your teeth can be an indication of your overall health and personality. So with that in mind, many of us who are concerned about our teeth want to have a great smile using the various dental solutions available in the market. 

Given our fast-paced lifestyle and need for instant gratification, we are opting to restore or enhance our teeth at the expense of time and other factors. We are also looking for the most cost-effective way to address our dental issues. Combined together using the reasons just mentioned, can lead us towards misinformed decisions on the types of dental treatments we truly need. To further emphasize this point, long-standing Dubai Orthodontist Dr. Joy elaborates: "In the UAE it’s common for patients to opt for veneers over braces due to cosmetic reasons. The locals and expats alike take pride in the way they look and represent themselves."     


A downside to consider when thinking of only improving the aesthetic aspects of your teeth

The option to go with veneers as opposed to orthodontics (braces) has become increasingly popular in order to showcase a pearly white smile as soon as possible. However, there could be a downside to consider when thinking of only improving the aesthetic aspects of your teeth while neglecting the more fundamental issues concering your teeth such as bite, tooth decay and spacing. 


Opting for veneers as a shortcut can be detrimental in the long-run

Experts in the field of dental treatments agree that veneers aren't the only and best way to improve the condition of teeth. According to Dr. Amit: “I strongly believe that there is certainly no harm in enhancing an individual’s smile be it through veneers or braces. But certain ground rules should be established especially by the younger generation of dentists.” Some patients prefer not to endure 2 or more years of braces to achieve near-perfect teeth, however opting for veneers as a shortcut can be detrimental in the long-run. Dr. Amit goes on to say: “If a patient opts for veneers and doesn’t have straight teeth, they should first seek orthodontic treatment and then have veneers placed, let’s say teeth in the right place of the jaw is like establishing the basic foundation for veneers.” To reinforce this point, Dr Joy asserts that: "...porcelain veneers are sometimes not the ideal option to correct crowding or spacing as better results are obtained with orthodontic treatment." Prioritizing the health of your teeth and before scaling them down for veneers, patients should ensure their teeth are healthy and positioned correctly before moving onto having veneers done.


Seeking orthodontic treatment is something to consider early in life

Ultimately, it makes more sense to start caring about your teeth at an early age to avoid costly dental treatments as you grow older. Dr Rafif weighs in on establishing good dental practices early on in life: “Prevention is better than treatment: the best thing you can give your child is a positive and pleasant experience at the dentist early in life. By early, I mean by year one. It’s mainly to talk about teeth, growth of the jaws, pacifier, bottle of milk, thumb-sucking, cavities, oral hygiene, and food; and to instil a positive long-term relationship with the toddler, so he or she can get familiarized with the dental environment.” In addition, she goes on to say that seeking orthodontic treatment is something to consider early in life: “We do recommend a consultation with the orthodontist to check if there is a need to plan for braces at seven years old.”

In conclusion, whether you decide to go with braces, veneers and any other type of dental treatment, always remember to be knowledgeable about the benefits and shortcomings of each option in your own case. Consider the feedback and suggestions of your dentist but most importantly remain proactively engaged towards a preventative approach to caring for your teeth. This will help you avoid more serious dental problems as you grow older.  

Special thanks to our contributing dentists:

Dr. Joy Antony is a leading Orthodontist in Dubai, and is the Founder and Managing Partner of Dr. Joy Dental Clinics.


Dr. Rafif Tayara is a multi-lingual Specialist Pediatric Dentist with a DDS and CSS in Pediatric Dentistry. 

Dr. Amit Asudani is an Orthodontist affiliated with Malmö University, Sweden and holder of Specialist Master’s degree in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics. 

Click here for current Hollywood Smile and Veneers prices 2019


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