Skin Care for Oily Skin

03 February 2021


Your skin is…

You rarely think about your skin.

It’s easy to care for, plus it always looks great. You don’t understand all the fuss about skin care. You wouldn’t dream of springing big bucks for procedures or surgery.

In you, lucky genes and good skin care habits combine to create age-defying skin.

Your oily, tight skin protects you from the visible signs of aging while your skin cells produce color without any tendency to develop dark spots after trauma or inflammation.


Daily Skin care regimen recommended for you

Oily regimen


Your skin’s best friends and worst enemies:

Oily type of skins are those with excessive sebum secretion. This skin condition oftentimes causes clogged pore and acne. It is recommended that people with oily skin use astringents and other ingredients to absorb oil from the skin. If acne has already developed on the skin, it is preferred to choose cosmetic products that contain ingredients that can help with sterilization, inhibition of bacterial growth, and wound healing. You should cleanse your face as often as possible and use cosmetics that remove dead skin cells to prevent clogging of pores.

ingredients for ospw


Dr Heba's choice

Here I've tried to select the products that would work well for your skin type. You can use my promo code HEBA15 to receive 15% off on your order.


For Oily Skins in general



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