Best Liposuction Surgeons in Dubai

07 October 2021


What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure where the fat from a specific area of your body is being sucked out through a thin tube. 

It is not a procedure to lose weight, so you are recommended to lose weight through diet and exercise and achieve a certain weight target before opting for Liposuction to remove stubborn fat that still did not go away. 

Liposuction is one of the most frequently performed plastic surgery procedures in the UAE, ahead of rhinoplasty and breast surgery.


What type of Liposuctions are available?

Traditional liposuction injects a solution (a combination of salt water, lidocaine and epinephrine) into the treatment area to minimize blood loss and pain while performing the fat suction. 

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasound wave energy to liquify the fat making it easier to be suctioned out. VASER Liposuction is a new type of Ultrasound-assisted liposuction. An acronym for “vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance”, VASER Liposuction is considered as a minimally invasive procedure with less pain or swelling, and shorter recovery time than traditional liposuction as it targets only fat cells with minimum disruption to the surrounding structures. Vaser Liposuction is commonly used for HD Lipo or High Definition Liposuction where a surgeon aims to resculpt the treatment area by selectively suctioning or rearranging the fat to achieve the desired aesthetical results.

Laser-assisted liposuction utilizes high-intensity laser beams to destroy the fat for removal. The fat is then suctioned out using a thin tube. This is also called Smartlipo, as the laser beam helps with more precise removal of fat cells. 

Power-assisted liposuction uses a thin tube (cannula) that moves in rapid back and forth motion to help a surgeon remove the stubborn fat cells more easily.

You might also have heard some surgeons claim to perform 360 Liposuction. In fact, 360 Liposuction is not a type of liposuction method. It is a liposuction that is performed all around the midsection of the body - abdomen, waist, and hips. Just a scope of application, not a device, nor a brand.

Sometimes, a Liposuction is performed in combination with other treatments such as lifting or tummy tuck for the best aesthetic results. Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL surgeries include liposuction as part of the surgery itself to collect the fat to transfer to the buttocks area. 


 Liposuction measuring


How can I find the right Liposuction for me?

  • Finding the right surgeon(s) determines everything

A surgery result does not depend on the reputation of a clinic. Ultimately, it is the expertise of the surgeon that determines the outcome. Nothing can replace the skillful hands of a surgeon who has deep insight into the human body and a patient’s aspiration. 


  • Research the credentials, portfolio, and other patients’ reviews of the surgeon(s)

It is difficult for a patient to evaluate the skill of a surgeon. However, there are some standard checklists you should apply to choose the right surgeon. 

First, they should be certified (plastic) surgeons from trustworthy institutions. 

Second, check if they have excellently performed surgery for a similar case as yours. You may check their portfolio online or get it upon request to the clinic. 

Third, search up what other patients say about the surgeon that you shortlisted. Platforms like could be a good starting point for your research. 


  • Know your budget and schedule

Most plastic surgeries are elective treatments. In other words, they will not be covered by your health insurance and you need to pay for the entire treatment. Depending on a few factors we will explain below, there are quite big differences in the treatment costs and you need to ensure that treatments from your shortlisted providers are within your budget.

Don’t forget to determine when you want to get the surgery prior to contacting clinics. Most sought-after plastic surgeons have a very tight schedule and the next available slots may only open up far beyond your availability. Having a clear timeline can prevent unnecessary last minute surprises.


What are Liposuction prices in Dubai?

Liposuction price increases as the target size or number of areas increase. On average, team analysis found that Liposuction price for abdomen area to be between AED20,000 to AED33,000 with AED25,000 being the average.

As mentioned earlier, Liposuction is sometimes performed in combination with other treatments like tummy tuck or lifting. In this case, the overall surgery price will increase to accommodate additional procedures. 


What are the driving factors for the different prices of Liposuction in Dubai?

  • Qualifications of the practitioner

Medical groups in Dubai are diverse and numerous. Physicians come from different schools of thought and each gives their own perspective on the best treatment options. Some of these doctors are board certified from the UK, Europe or USA, while others have regional qualifications. All of whom possess a knowledge base with a specific set of training and practical knowledge.


  • Brand awareness of the clinic

Treatments from more reputable hospitals will usually be costlier than clinics not widely known to people. Institutions make huge investments to build a trusted brand and we, as the end-consumers, are expected to, in return, pay a premium for that brand. Certain local clinics in Dubai have established a history of providing excellent care to people, and in turn, are more expensive than new entrants in the cosmetic treatment field. 


  • Experience of the practitioner

It is quite understandable that you pay more for a service from a more experienced practitioner. For cosmetic procedures, you will usually need to pay more to get treatment from plastic surgery consultants rather than specialists, GPs and other physicians, as they have more expertise and experience in the field.  


 Liposuction on the bed


According to the DrFive rating system*, who are the most recommended plastic surgeons for Liposuction in Dubai? 


Dr Saba Almarush - Female Plastic Surgeon doing Vaser Lipo

A female plastic surgeon who completed specialty training in France with special interest in Vaser Liposuction.

  • Medical degree: MBChB, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Specialty certification: Completion of Specialist Training in Aesthetic, Reconstructive & Plastic Surgery at University of Besançon, France
  • Membership: International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  • Licensed in Dubai as: Specialist Plastic Surgery
  • Experience: 10+ years


Dr Hasan Ali - Pioneer of Vaser Liposuction in Dubai

Dr Hasan Ali is understood as a pioneer in Vaser Liposuction in Dubai. He performed Vaser Lipo from 2007 and trained other local surgeons on this method. 

  • Medical degree: MBBS, Karachi University, Pakistan
  • Specialty certification: European Boards in Plastic Surgery from France
  • Fellowship: Fellow International College of Surgeons USA
  • Licensed in Dubai as: Specialist Plastic Surgery
  • Experience: 20+ years
  • Cases: Over 5,000 surgeries


Dr Maurizio Viel - Vaser Lipo Trainer in Dubai

Dr Maurizio Viel is one of the first generation surgeons to perform Vaser Liposuction in Dubai. He performed Vaser Lipo from 2007 and trained other local surgeons on this method. 

  • Medical degree: University of Milan, Italy
  • Specialist certification: Specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Milan, Italy
  • Fellowship: American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery; British Association of Cosmetic Surgeons
  • Licensed in Dubai as: Specialist Plastic Surgery
  • Experience: 20+ years


Dr Jaffer Khan - A Lipo Legend in Dubai

Dr Jaffer Khan is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Plastic Surgery with over 20 years’ experience. As the founder of Aesthetics International and NOVA clinic, his areas of special interest include liposuction and body contouring, as well as aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, breast and abdomen. His expertise in plastic surgery is shared with other doctors through his professorship and masters training both in the UAE and abroad.

  • Medical degree: MBBS, Dow Medical College, Pakistan
  • Specialty certification: Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons in Plastic Surgery 
  • Licensed in Dubai as: Specialist Plastic Surgery
  • Experience: 20+ years (13 years in Dubai)


*Our rating system is a computation of ratings, reviews, and search volume.


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