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Profile for Dr. Julio Gomez-Seco

Dr. Julio Gomez-Seco has obtained his Medicine and Surgery degree from the Autonoma University, Madrid, Spain. He later obtained his Master/Specialty in Respiratory Medicine/Pulmonology from the Jimenez-Diaz Foundation University Hospital, Madrid, Spain.

Dr. Julio has over 12 years of experience in the field of Respiratory Medicine. He started his professional career as a Consultant at the Mateu Orfila Hospital, Balearic Islands, Spain. He gained 5 years? experience before joining Jimenez-Diaz Foundation University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. He spent almost 5 years at the organization before moving to Security Forces Hospital Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Julio spent a short amount of time in Saudi Arabia before heading back to Jimenez-Diaz Foundation University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. He worked there till he joined NMC Healthcare.

With a vast experience, he is able to offer latest and optimal services to majority of Respiratory diseases such as Difficult-to-Control Asthma and Respiratory Allergies, COPD, Respiratory infections and Respiratory Tuberculosis, Bronchiectasis, Haemoptysis, Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD) and Pneumoconiosis, Pleural Diseases, diagnosis of Lung Cancer, Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA), Chronic Cough, with a high experience in the respiratory procedures as Bronchoscopy, US guided-Pleural tap, closed pleural biopsy, Pleural Drainage, Pulmonary Function Tests (Spirometry, Plethysmography, DLCO, Bronchial responsiveness, Expiratory Nitric Oxide, respiratory pressures), Respiratory Exercise Test for oxygen consumption, Sleep Laboratory, non-invasive mechanical ventilation.

Dr. Julio is Clinical Senior Professor in the Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid, and also a Clinical Researcher in the Health Research Institute IIS-FJD of Madrid with publications and Congress communications in Spain and Europe.

Dr. Julio has attended many national and international courses, conferences and workshops.

Dr. Julio is fluent in Spanish and English.

Dr. Julio Gomez-Seco's specialty is Pulmonology and currently works as a Consultant Respiratory Medicine.

He speaks English,Spanish,.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Julio Gomez-Seco

Dr. Julio Gomez-Seco is practicing at King's College Hospital London, Dubai Hills Hospital


King's College Hospital London, Dubai Hills Hospital

Located in the upscale neighborhood of Dubai Hills, King’s College Hospital Dubai utilizes a wealth of knowledge ... read more



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