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Dr. Lali Asildarovna Pataridze

European Pediatric Board,

Specialist Pediatrician | Pediatrics

English, Russian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Turkish, Geogian

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Profile for Dr. Lali Asildarovna Pataridze

Dr. Lali Pataridze is a certified Specialist Pediatrician by the European Pediatric Board, Graduated from the Pediatric Medical Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1987. She had specialist degree at Russian State Medical University Moscow Russia in 1991 with 23 years of experience in her field of expertise.

She has extended her education for Post Graduate qualifications with a clinical attachment at the Neonatal Intensive Care unit at the Royal Infirmary Unit in Edinburgh, UK and Pediatric Intensive Care at the Sick Children´s hospital again in Edinburgh, UK. She became the Head of Pediatric Department at the Children´s Hospital in Triavna, Bulgaria, worked at the Moscow Children´s City Hospital No. 3 and at the University Hospital in Ziwia Libya.

She has been working in Dubai for 8 years for the following medical institution: Belhoul Specialty Hospital then at MedCare Hospital and at Mehr Polyclinic. At present, she is working as a Specialist Pediatrician in ELO Aesthetic Center LLC.

Dr. Lali Asildarovna Pataridze's specialty is Pediatrics and currently works as a Specialist Pediatrician.

She speaks English, Russian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Turkish, Geogian.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Lali Asildarovna Pataridze

Dr. Lali Asildarovna Pataridze is practicing at Amwaj Polyclinic


Amwaj Polyclinic

Welcome to Amwaj Polyclinic in Dubai. Our mission is to offer Medical and Aesthetical care, fusing the ... read more



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