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Profile for Jory Medical Center

Jory Medical Center has 4 medical staff across 2 specialties.

Why is Jory Medical Centre the best Clinic in Sharjah? Based on our belief that the smile is the key to the heart, we offer the highest level of service in our clinic not only in Sharjah but also in the UAE. Where we work in the clinic, a medical team of doctors with different expertise in their fields and creators of smiles for stars, using the best materials available globally and the most expensive and we follow strict protocols and strict sterilization of all tools and devices to ensure the health of our patients and to maintain their safety and confidence in our credibility and quality of our work and because we know that Your beautiful smile is the source of your confidence Let us help you draw it carefully and carefully, an attractive smile ideal provided by the best dental clinics in Sharjah. Jory Medical Centre has always distinguished and still distinguished from other clinics with the truth of its treatment and attention to detail and we aspire to achieve the satisfaction of all our patients and work hard to get the best results and draw the finest smile on their faces with all the meaning in a short time and a small cost ​ How are we different from other clinics ? ​ Jory Medical Centre is one of the best and most modern and cosmetic dentistry clinics in the UAE. And medical staff with a high level of scientific qualification and extensive experience in all disciplines of dentistry and we are proud to provide the following services the highest standards: 1 - Dental implants with the latest equipment and best American implants with doctors accredited internationally 2 - All types of dental treatments of white fillings and root canal treatment with the latest international systems. 3 - Various gum treatments and all the normal methods, surgical and laser. 4 - All types of metal orthodontic, ceramics and transparent. 5 - Comprehensive oral rehabilitation of all types of combinations of lenses and combinations of EMAX and Zircon German and American and redesign the smile in proportion to the shape and color of the face of the patient.



Location of Jory Medical Center

Jory Medical Center is located in Al Khan (Sharjah, UAE)



Specialists available at Jory Medical Center


Insurance Affiliations of Jory Medical Center

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