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Profile for Holistic Healing Medical Center

Holistic Healing Medical Center has 3 medical staff across 3 specialties. It has 1 reviewed doctors: Dr. Ludmila Vassilieva (Homeopathic Medicine / GP & Homeopath Specialist).

Our Philosophy The word Holism means “Whole.” In fact all the relevant power words in the English vocabulary: Healing, Health, Hospital, Holy, Hospitality, have the same root of origin, ‘Holos’ meaning “All, The Whole, Entire, Complete.” While Modern Medicine divides us and treats each organ and symptom separately, Holistic Healing embodies the philosophy of Holism and focuses on the Mind, Body, and Spirit in relation to the Environment as a Whole! Mind, Body and Spirit are a grand orchestra with a natural rhythm. As long as the flow of rhythm, its energy, is active and unrestricted the body will be in optimal state of health, bliss and joy. Holistic Healing is the essential conductor; it refines, cleans, harmonizes and keeps the flow of energy unrestricted and rhythmic to keep us in tune and well balanced. Our Approach The greatest strength of Holistic Healing Medical Centre lies in our approach to treatment. We have successfully integrated the timeless wisdom of Eastern Medicine with Modern diagnostic tools to Balance, Restore, and Correct the frequency of energy on cellular level. Our Health Programs combine the Art and Knowledge of Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine with the Science of NLS-Oberon to get Fast, Effective and Long-term results.



Location of Holistic Healing Medical Center

Holistic Healing Medical Center is located in Umm Suqeim - 3 (Dubai, UAE)



Specialists available at Holistic Healing Medical Center


Insurance Affiliations of Holistic Healing Medical Center

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