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Profile for Conceive, Sharjah

Conceive, Sharjah has 9 medical staff across 2 specialties. It has 3 reviewed doctors: Dr. Asma Munir (Reproductive Medicine and Infertility (IVF) / Specialist in Assisted Reproductive Medicine), Dr. Ruma Chakraborty Bhargava (Gynecology (OBGYN) / Specialist Obstetrician & Gynecologist), Dr. Pankaj Shrivastav (Reproductive Medicine and Infertility (IVF) / Medical Director).

Conceive – The Gynaecology and Fertility Hospital came into being on the 7th of July 2004. At Conceive, a team of internationally trained clinicians that is specialized in assisted reproduction treats patients. Our staff excels at providing special guidance in many areas, including stress management, relationship issues, dealing with family or friends, and handling problems in the workplace related to their treatment or infertility. In addition we also have health and fitness experts to advise our patients on how to boost fertility through diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. At present the hospital operates in two locations in the UAE. The first being on the Dubai-Sharjah Highway making it easily accessible to patients from Northern Emirates, Dubai, Sharjah and Al Ain. Our second location is in Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai and this will be operational in January 2015. The hospital staff is multinational and multilingual, mirroring the diversity of ethnicities within the United Arab Emirates. The Conceive team, headed by Dr. Pankaj Shrivastav strives to provide infertile couples with a comprehensive range of state-of-the-art reproductive treatments and technologies. These include Ovulation Induction, IUI, PESA, TeSA, IVF, ICSI, Blastocyst culture and transfer, Egg and Sperm freezing, Time Laspe studies of Embryos, Pre Implantation Genetic Screening of Embryos, Laparascoy, Colposcopy, Hysteroscopy and treatment of recurrent miscarriages. The fully-equipped ultra sound scanning section has facilities for 3- and 4-dimensional ultrasound scanning and colour Doppler. We also offer ultrasound-guided procedures, such as amniocentesis for advanced maternal age and cyst aspiration. Our success in overcoming both male and female infertility is evidenced by the Hospital’s pregnancy rates – From 2004 to 2014 we have had the privilege of playing a part in the birth of over 2500 babies and due to the faith and goodwill of our patients our family continues to grow. Our high success rates and patient satisfaction are a testament to our constant endeavor to offer the highest quality of patient care.



Location of Conceive, Sharjah

Conceive, Sharjah is located in Sharjah, UAE (Sharjah, UAE)



Specialists available at Conceive, Sharjah


Insurance Affiliations of Conceive, Sharjah

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