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Dr. Swapnil Shripad Nagvekar

Specialist Radiology | Radiology


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Profile for Dr. Swapnil Shripad Nagvekar

Dr. Swapnil has completed his residency from Goa Medical College, Goa and DNB from Justice KS Medical Academy, Mangalore. He was recently awarded with European Diploma in Radiology (EDIR). Dr. Swapnil is a fellow of Royal College of Radiologists, UK. He completed his Masters in Medicine (M. Med) Radiology exams from National University of Singapore.

Dr. Swapnil has 9 years of medical experience in various imaging modalities such as General Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, Ultrasonography including color Doppler and guided procedures, CT and MRI. He has active interest and experience in Musculoskeletal (MSK) Oncology and Body Imaging.

He has publications in Indian and International journals, presented posters in Radiology conferences.

Dr. Swapnil is fluent in English, Hindi, Marathi and Kokani.

Dr. Swapnil Shripad Nagvekar's specialty is Radiology and currently works as a Specialist Radiology.

He speaks English,Hindi,Marathi.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Swapnil Shripad Nagvekar

Dr. Swapnil Shripad Nagvekar is practicing at NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi


NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi

Established in 1975, NMC Specialty Hospital Abu Dhabi is a multi-specialty hospital providing quality and trusted healthcare ... read more



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