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Profile for Dr. Omar Hallak

Dr. Omar Kamel Hallak, M.D. is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist who specializes in a wide range of cardio-vascular problems. He is American Board Certified in Interventional Cardiology, Cardiovascular Disease, Vascular Medicine, Endovascular Medicine, Nuclear Cardiology and Internal Medicine.

Dr. Hallak amassed extensive experience in cardiac and peripheral/vascular intervention during his time in the United States, where he performed thousands of interventional procedures including complex, high-risk cases, including coronary and structural heart disease in addition to full vascular interventions: carotid, aortic, celiac, renal, and lower extremity interventions.

After completing his residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Illinois, Chicago, he went onto gain his fellowship in Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology at Louisiana State University, U.S.A, where he was to become Assistant Professor. Prior to joining the American Hospital Dubai, he was the Head of Cardiology Department at Saint Francis Hospital in Charleston.

Dr. Hallak presently leads the Interventional Cardiology Team offering non-invasive and invasive cardiology procedures including angiograms, angioplasty, peripheral vascular interventions.

He strongly believes in the importance of preventive medicine and the necessity of education in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. His past experiences have proven that regular checkups allow early detections, decreasing the chance that a problem can become potentially life threatening.

Dr. Omar Hallak 's specialty is Cardiology and currently works as a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist.

He speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Omar Hallak

Dr. Omar Hallak is practicing at King's College Hospital London, Dubai Hills Hospital


King's College Hospital London, Dubai Hills Hospital

Located in the upscale neighborhood of Dubai Hills, King’s College Hospital Dubai utilizes a wealth of knowledge ... read more



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