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Dr. Fariba Fattahi

BSc Physiotherapy

Physical Therapists | Physiotherapy


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Profile for Dr. Fariba Fattahi

Fariba is a qualified Physiotherapist and is licensed with the Dubai Health Authority. She graduated as Physiotherapist from Tehran University of Medical Sciences with Master's degree and later started her PhD study at University of Queensland, Australia in Physiotherapy.

Over the past 18 years Fariba has held senior and managerial positions in physiotherapy and Rehabilitation department at some major hospitals in Dubai. During 2002-2007 she was a lecturer in physiotherapy at University of Sharjah. She has been active member of Emirates Physiotherapy society.

Fariba is strongly committed to continuing her professional development by attending international courses to ensure that the physiotherapy treatment provided, follows latest evidence based practice and that the most up to date techniques are used. She also is keen in organizing courses for Physiotherapists to help enhancing the knowledge and skills of Physiotherapist residing and practicing in the region. Fariba has been invited and presented in many national and international conferences in UAE and abroad.

Fariba's main interest is Orthopedic and Sports conditions, ligament injuries, Neck and back pain, treating Spinal disc degeneration and neural compromises caused by compressions. She utilizes combinations of manual therapy techniques, exercise therapy, decompression and unloading, dry needling, posture and gait correction and re-education and motor control retraining to treat her patients.

Fariba enjoys educating her clients and community in order to live a better and healthier life.

Dr. Fariba Fattahi's specialty is Physiotherapy and currently works as a Physical Therapists.

She speaks Arabic,English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Fariba Fattahi

Dr. Fariba Fattahi is practicing at Advanced Orthospine Health Center


Advanced Orthospine Health Center

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